School Web Sites

I’ve been asked a couple of times recently about school web sites. As usaul, there’s no quick answer but here’s my thoughts on the matter.

It needs to be an SLT decision and that group must realise that web sites take time to create and update, so if time isn’t allocated for this, then it won’t happen.

It isn’t the job of the ICT co-ordinator. No debate.

I can be quite sure that maintaining the site can become a millstone round a school’s or individual’ s neck if not thought through. Time, money, who will update, proof read, take overall responsibilty….?

I’d avoid any option where it becomes one person’s responsibility unless they’re offering a paid for service. Even the most enthusiastic of teachers, governors, spouses/partner will lose enthusiasm and if they’re doing it for free, can you really nag them to get stuff done? Doubtless they’ll be schools where this has worked perfectly and they’ll be forming a queue to let me know, but I’ve seen this approach fail so many times I wouldn’t recommend it as a solution, but if it works for you, then that’s fine.

I’d also avoid the likes of Dreamweaver and other web creation software. Nothing wrong with it as software, apart from maybe a very steep learning curve, it’s just that it sits on one computer and it’s then your responsibility. Added to this is the issue of where you host your web site on the web. This is another cost to consider.

On the software theme, if you must, at least buy web creation software. MS Publisher says it creates web sites and it does, after a fashion. It’s just that it does strange things and editing is a nightmare….. and there’s still the hosting to consider.

So, my preferred options:

  • The web-based, template driven approach where editing can be open to anyone granted suitable privilages. E.g staff can create,add and amend pages, but someone reserves the right to make it live on the web. This is really useful if you have pupils assisting in creating the site but you don’t want to give them editorial rights. A number of Hull schools use the Schools-Online service.
  • Pay someone you can send all your stuff to and let them maintain your site. As long as their turnaround times are short,  you ‘ll have a vibrant, up to date website… as long as you remember to send them stuff! Easy Web are one firm that offer this option and sample sites can be viewed there. They also allow schools to edit if they choose. Primary Site is another and ICwebs yet one more.
  • Have someone create and build a bespoke site which you then manage in the manner described above. Initially more expensive, but you get something different. Click here for details and examples.

I’m sure there are other companies offering these services, it’s just that I know each one of the above is being used locally and as far as I know, each school is very happy with their choice.

Please don’t ask me which is best though!

September Update.

J2Webby is a free web-based option that schools can consider. Although primarily designed to be used alongside the JIT/J2E range of software to publish pupils’ work , it is based on the very popular WordPress software and can be used as a web publishing tool.
To see some examples, click here.

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