That Cloud Thing Again

I know, not again… but maybe your new to this blog and haven’t read my thoughts on cloud computing before. If so, you’ve some catching up to do! Just use the Tag Cloud on the right hand side.

Anyway, Tuesday saw me with a class of Y2s, teacher and TA at St George’s Primary. After chatting with the ICT co-ordinator, we’d decided that with their combination of netbooks and wireless network, they were well placed to try out using online software rather than the usaul diet that lived on the server. They’d seen JIT before and were keen to try this.

I’d set up the users and an area on their learning platform that linked straight through to JIT. There was a fair old bit of new stuff to learn.. getting to the learning platform, logging on, finding the right link, but we got through those pretty smoothly and set down to work.

The original plan was to introduce JIT to the pupils- the word processor and paint bits probably, and after break, I was to spend some time with the teacher on the rest of the product’s offerings. Well, they were such a keen bunch  that we decided that we’d carry on with the pupils instead Well, by the time the morning had ended we’d written, drawn, produced a graph and done a simple animation. Not bad eh?

So, once again I left a session firmly convinced that, with the right connectivity and some decent online software, there is firmly a place for using online software such as J2E suite or 2Simple’s Purple Mash as core software for your pupils. Both J2E and 2Simple offer trials, so why not give it a go?

The Y2s  loved it and quite a few said they’d like to use it at home. You can’t knock enthusiasm like that!


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